Yum Yum Rolls
January of 2021 "Yum Yum" read the book "A Long Walk to Water" by Linda Sue Park in his literature class. The story is about the poor water conditions and how children of South Sudan miss school to walk up to 8 hours to retrieve water for their families. The poor water conditions pulled on Yum Yum's heartstrings and he wanted to do something about it. Around the same time, Yum Yum's grandmother passed away and she made the BEST caramel rolls. As a tribute to her and on the day before her funeral, he made a batch of her caramel rolls so he could place a roll in the casket to send her to heaven with it. His mother posted a photo on Facebook of his baking efforts and a friend commented they would like Yum Yum to make them a dozen caramel rolls and they would be happy to purchase them. Well... after a short discussion with his family, they all realized he had created the outlet to raise money the $15,000 needed for a new water well to benefit "Water for South Sudan" - the charity affiliated the book.
Yum Yum Rolls...Inspired by My Grammas Love was born
Yum Yum Rolls Dozen and Half Dozen orders must be placed by
8:00 p.m. Friday at yumyumrolls@yahoo.com.
Sunday morning 7:45-8:15 A.M. car side pick up
WEEKLY APPLETON: 2400 S Kensington Drive
(Up to date info @yumyumrolls4charity FB/Insta)
Need Yum Yum Rolls for gatherings/meetings/business?
***orders must be placed by
48 hours ahead of function*** yumyumrolls@yahoo.com
Delivery available weekday mornings to the specified address
Yum Yum's family hosts international students. A few years ago, one of the students from Switzerland nicknamed him "Yum Yum" and the name stuck.
Live outside of the Appleton/Green Bay area or just want to help Yum Yum reach his goal of $15,000? Click on Yum Yum's direct link to donate to Water for South Sudan.